Information from Iraq ’s northern regions inhabited by Yezidis can shock anyone. Under the circumstances of noninterference of coalition troops, leadership of Iraq and Kurdistan , thousands of Yezidis-sun worshippers are being killed there with impunity.
In current August-September two villages inhabited by Yezidis were obliterated in the province of Sinjar . Over a thousand people were killed. The survivors vegetate in tents without food, water and medicaments, under conditions of mountain winter. Local authorities forbid them to return to their old home, to restore their dwellings.
We appeal to all people of goodwill: help to save Yezidis! Don’t leave them to die in their native Yezdistan from hunger and cold! Tomorrow will be late, for the authorities plan to completely destroy Yezdistan’s Yezidis, the dwellers of Sinjar province, in the north of Iraq .
In the name of the Most High save agonizing and defenseless Yezidi people!
Aziz Tamoyan, President of the Union of Yezidis, Doctor of Historical and Theological Sciences
On November 12, 2007 , a sitting of Yezdy National Union’s presidium was held in Yerevan . There was one item on the sitting’s agenda: 92nd Anniversary of Armenian Genocide and the attitude of Armenia ’s Yezidis to the fact.
It was unanimously noted at the sitting that RA Yezidis once again stated that 90 years before Osmanian Turkey had massacred over 1, 5 million Armenians, taking advantage of the atmosphere of impunity. Not only Armenians, but also other non-Muslim peoples residing in Osmanian Turkey – Greeks, Assyrians and Yezidis – have become the Turkish soldiers’ victims.

Again confirming and recognizing the Genocide of over 1, 5 million Armenians committed in Osmanian Empire, the sitting’s participants stated that over 500, 000 Yezidis had been killed by Turk and Curd barbarians; however, the fact has not been condemned by progressive mankind.
Naturally, the specialists wish to know how many Yezidis became the victims of Turks and Curds, and in what regions the carnage was committed. So, according to reliable sources, over 750, 000 Yezidis lived in the territory of Osmanian Empire before WWI. 500, 000 of them were slaughtered, and 250, 000 deported.
Iraq, in the region of Sinjar Mountains, Musul, Rndavan, the village of Fakirs, Amadia, Dhok, the sacred place of Lalysh, Bashika, Bahzan and other settlements – 100, 000 people.
Georgia – 3, 000 people
It seems the best thing the Yezidis can do is to organize a campaign to inform people around the world of their existence, their origin, and to dispel the myth that they worship the entity described in Jewish, Muslim and Christian traditions as "The Devil" or "Satan". In the U.S., we are not even aware of the existence of the Yezedis. I am 42 yers old and have never heard of them until today, when I was watching a BBC documentary "The Legacy of Lawrence of Arabia" in which the host of the show referred to "Yezedic devil-worshippers" in Mosul. No human being who believes in justice or a loving God should accept genocide, no matter who it is or what their faith. I plan to improve my knowledge of Yezedis and I will contact my legislative representative here about the masacres.
The Yezidis do not believe in the devil, called the Yazidi faith sharfadin, toist Yazidis believe in God and the angel Malak Taus who created the nation Yezidis
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